Final Project

I created an ascii art filter that works through the camera of the computer. Basically, there are characters assigned to different brightness values and they display as a pixel would. I’ve assigned symbols of varying complexity to give the illusion of lightness/darkness. Also, I’ve assigned key presses, keys 1 through 9 and 0, to change the size of the font. Lastly if you click, in frame, it will save the current image to the processing folder.


ProjectSketch1 ProjectSketch2

Final Project

I want to find a way to incorporate finger prints into my final project. I was thinking about playing off of Rachel Binx’s use of 3D printing. I thought about the idea of trying to find a finger print scanner that also had a library in processing but that technology doesn’t seem to be popular enough to have that yet. Then I thought about somehow using the one built into our phones, but the real question is how to interpret that data once you have it. I’d like to have a small outline of the fingerprints that you could then display or maybe wear as a necklace. I think it might be difficult to get the spacing of the lines right because you’d be working with something so intricate, but I’m looking forward to hearing feedback from the class. I’m totally open to new ideas and criticism.

Rachel Binx

I really found Rachel Binx’s work interesting. She’s always been a traveler, this is reflected in her work. Particularly her company Meshu, which makes jewelry out of personalized points from a map; inspired by how she used to record the longitude and latitude of everywhere she went. Her other company, Gifpop, seems really amazing too. She takes gifs and makes them into lenticular prints, the images move depending on what direction you look at them from.


My original idea was too difficult for me to handle with my current knowledge. So I did 2 more simple ones. The left one shows time by having three circles expand outwards until they hit the squares. The thickest being hours and thinnest being seconds. The right one is shows time by rectangles expanding upwards until they reset.
