Final Project – MouseTrap


My final project is an attempt to make a multiplayer game in processing. In this game, one player uses the keyboard (w,a,d) to control the little thing you see hopping around, and another player uses the mouse to control several different varieties of traps that are used to kill the keyboard player. All of the traps serve different ways of hitting the keyboard player, and all can be activated by clicking the left mouse button. Once a trap is used a certain number of times, it’s randomly switched out with a different one (Hence the question mark rainbow block). If the keyboard player is hit by any of the traps, the mouse player wins, and if the keyboard player survives for 100 seconds, the keyboard player wins. I was able to get some feedback on a few aspects by sharing the game to some friends, but I haven’t been able to do a test with two people yet, so there may be some issues with difficulty that I couldn’t find out testing it by myself. My ideas for this game were inspired by the simple processing games made by Francis Baptiste (Rebound) and Christine Ling (JUMP!), and the style choices I made were also inspired by games along the lines of Super Hexagon and other simple, fast-paced games.



“Rebound: A Processing.js Game.” Rebound – a Very Simple Processing.js Game. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Dec. 2016.

Behance. “JUMP! (A Game Made in Processing).” Behance. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Dec. 2016.

“RegularPolygon Examples” RegularPolygon Examples N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Dec. 2016.

Final Project Concept

My idea for the final project involves making some sort of game in processing. I want to make a game that’s very simple yet fun, as displayed by a simple processing game designed by Francis Baptiste, Rebound. This is a game where you draw a single line to direct a ball towards a red circle, and it’s dictated entirely by processing physics. Another similar game made in Processing that inspired me was a game called Jump by Christine Ling. It’s a game with a very simple concept, jumping at the right time, but that one concept is so much more fun to play than you’d originally anticipate. My idea involves a two player experience, where one person uses the keyboard to move a figure around the screen, and the other uses the mouse to attack the other player with traps. These traps would be based off of different shapes you can draw using processing (ellipse, triangle, rectangle) and would help show off several different usable functions. There will also be a timer, and if the first player survives long enough, they’ll win. “If” statements and objects will probably be the most used tactic in the programming of this game.


Final Clock: Game Clock

Since my video clock idea fell flat on its face, I had to come up with a backup idea. I wanted this clock to strongly resemble a retro style game, with every coin you collect counting as one second. The sun in the background will also move for every hour, and if you hold down the mouse button, you can see a more straightforward version of the time, though I wanted to add more to that screen.clock

Self Sketch and Generative Face

I tried to give this a more cartoonish feel to it, but it was definitely difficult to use. The eyes do change color at random.Screen Shot 2016-09-21 at 8.47.14 AM


With the generative face, I went in a new direction and started from scratch, and it ended up looking more like a frog. When you click, the eyebrows, pupils, nose, and mouth change position, the eyes change color completely, and the nose becomes a different shade of red.Screen Shot 2016-09-21 at 8.43.44 AMScreen Shot 2016-09-21 at 8.44.07 AMScreen Shot 2016-09-21 at 8.44.18 AMScreen Shot 2016-09-21 at 8.52.04 AM