
A1: Face it – in 2 parts


Matthias Dörfelt, Weird Faces, 2012

Weeks 2-4

Face 1 – Draw an portrait of either yourself in code. Use what you learnt in class about shapes, colors, points and lines.
Concepts: drawing, color
Due date: Week 3.

 Face 2 – See description here.

Concepts: variables, interpolation, mouse interaction
Weight: 15%
Info: Individual task
Due date: Due Friday of Week 4.

A2: The Clock

(20%) Weeks 5-8.
Due October 12th.


Banded Clock by Golan Levin, 1999.

Description here.

A3: Software Instrument

Weeks 9-10

Pst brief is over here.

A4: Final


Week 11-14

The final project in this class is an open brief. Devise an artwork exploring an idea that develops and explores one of the threads we have examined in class so far. This might be interactivity, the pixel, generative text, generative image making, the face as an interface or architectural installation or something else completely. Your project should aim to create a evocative or compelling experience for your audience or it should be an exploration of a question that you pose in your proposal.

  • Presentations in class – Week 14. Presentations will begin at 10.00am sharp and should be 5min in length. You should have at least 3 slides describing your concept, sketches and project process and be ready to show your work.
  • Final code is to be zipped and uploaded to the Moodle dropbox and project documentation to be posted to Moodle by the start of class (10.30am) on Wednesday 13th. Label your zip

Documentation: Your project is to be documented on the blog either in a series (at least 3) of images or in a short video or screen recording or gif. You are also to write a 200 word blog post describing your work and how it addresses this brief, including references to other artist works that have influenced or inspired you and citing other project research. Your code should be formatted correctly and your comments should include short descriptions of what each part of your code is doing, references to any examples or resources that you may have used.

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