
NME 1450/ 4 credits
Wed: 8.30 – 12.10
Location: LIB1004B
Spring 2016 with Prof. Tega Brain
Office – Natural Sciences Room 0035
Tega’s office hours:
Monday 12-1pm.
Wednesday: 2.30-3.30pm
Book a time here.

Learning Assistant: Nicholas Feuer
Office hours: Friday 1-3pm Library lab 1015A

You can also get help on Monday evening – see Kevin Egbert.
New Media lab 0010. 6:30pm to 9pm

Important Links

Course site:
Join the course Slack team for posting code question or other questions (it is here: Channel is #pva.

Course Description

In this course you will be exploring code as a medium for art making. We will be exploring poetic and creative computation using the free and open-source programming environment called Processing. We will be learning fundamental programming concepts, exploring key concepts and ideas in computational art and looking at a range of artists who work in this area. You will experiment with a range of different techniques to realize creative projects which will be documented online. Topics will include programming interactivity, generative drawing and writing and projection mapping.

Course Objectives

Students will:

  • develop a sound understanding of fundamental programming concepts
  • to develop fundamental skills developing creative works with computational media
  • critically engage with historic and contemporary computational art practices
  • develop personal learning strategies, project planning and problem solving skills

What will you need for this class?

  • The required textbook for this class is: Learning Processing by Daniel Shiffman. It is available in the bookstore or you can get a copy online. It is an extremely useful reference book that you will use throughout new media. It is in the library reserves and you can borrow it on a short term loan. The previous edition of this text would also be sufficient, you will just have to remember that there have been some very minor changes to some of the code syntax since it was published.
  • A notebook. A notebook with gridded pages is ideal, but a lined or blank one will suffice. This class involves sketching  and drawing during project planning stages and a notebook is critical for this.
  • We’re going to be learning many new techniques and processes in this class and coming to class with an open, enthusiastic and courageous approach is essential.

Course Requirements


Do I have to be good at Math to do well in this course?

No! Of course it helps, but don’t worry we will be revising the basic Math in class and it’s much easier and relevant when applying it to enjoyable past times like animation. What is more important than being a brilliant mathematician is that you are organized in your approach to writing programs and solving problems.

Do I have to be good at using computers to do this course?

Again of course this helps, but we are starting at the beginning and you will be introduced to everything you need to know to satisfy the course requirements. Remember, vibrant artistic and creative ideas are as important as technical proficiency in this course.

Is this a web design course?

No. This is a course to introduce you to programming and programming concepts. We are learning a language similar to javascript that is very flexible. It is typically used by artists to make interactive applications, graphics and data visualizations.

Will I be a proficient programmer at the end of this course?

No, that take years of practice. This is an introductory course and will get you started on your path to using computation in your creative work. This course is as much about art and creativity as it is about programming.


Please do not send me personal emails asking code questions, ask them on the class SLACK ! ( I will answer questions here so that everyone can learn from this, I also encourage you to respond to your fellow student’s questions. I am also happy to answer other questions about logistics, concepts, ideas or concerns. If your question is not one that can be answered in this way and you need to email. Please do so following this helpful guide. You can also come and see me in office hours.


Miss more than 3 classes and you automatically fail. This is not negotiable. Miss 3 classes and lose a grade (so A+ goes to A etc). Come to class late – after 8.45 or leave early – before 11.55 and that counts as half an absence.


Students with documented physical, learning, and psychological and other disabilities are entitled to receive reasonable accommodations. If a student needs accommodations, he/she must first register with the Office of Access and Accommodations at 914 251-6035 or


  • 80% 4 class assignments (weeks 1-14)
  • 10% Homework and research posts
  • 10% Attendance and participation

If you receive a grade of C+ or below for this course, you have to petition the new media faculty in order to take it again.

Once you have read this syllabus to completion. Please email me with a picture of a dinosaur (

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