Exploring Pixels
Chuck Close
Chuck Close – Generator
People as pixels
What else could be understood as a pixel?
People in stadiums in Korea, dancers in an OK Go video (see from 3.30min) who are referencing the Buzby Burkeley dance videos of the 1930s.
Daniel Rozin
Daniel Rozin’s practice sculpturally explores the notion of a pixel.
Images as DataBases
See the examples in this Synthesis by Collections post by Golan Levin.
Time and Video
The Khronos Projector project – http://www.k2.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp/members/alvaro/Khronos/
The Last Clock
Adam Magyar
Adam Magyar builds his own cameras and scanners! From 2.25 he is talking about how he hacks desktop scanners to build unusual cameras.
Computer Vision
Analyzing pixels is also at the heart of computer vision. A computer takes a frame from a camera, saves it and compares it to the next frame. If pixels colors have changed, it means that there is movement. In this way, a computer can identify faces, identify patches of color or identify movement.
Computer vision is used in a lot of interactive artworks such as this classic, Text Rain by Camille Utterback.
Or in this performance piece, Messa di Voce by Zach Lieberman and Golan Levin.
If you are interested, see the text book chapter. Or watch this intro video by Dan Shiffman: